Commercial Playground Equipment Snider and Associates provides park, athletic and commercial playground equipment to the school, early education, parks and recreation industry. Located in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. outdoor playground equipment, water park equipment, aluminum bleachers, boat docks and boat lifts, bike racks, trash receptacles, park benches, shelters, volleyball, basketball equipment, outdoor fitness equipment 1-800-888-2889
Monday, November 21, 2011
Jeff Snider Earns National Playground Safety Certification
The CPSI program is designed to ensure all certified individuals are qualified to inspect playgrounds for safety issues and make certain that the playgrounds meet the current national standards for safety, developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
To become a certified CPSI, individuals must pass a nationally-administered examination, which tests individuals’ knowledge in the following areas: Playground Safety Milieu (evolution of playground safety and involved U.S. organizations and government agencies); Role of Child Development; Foundations of Playground Safety Surfacing; Playground Infrastructure (Equipment); Playground Layout and Design; and, Playground Safety Practices/Management.
Jeff has been in the playground industry since he was a kid. His father, Chuck Snider, started Snider & Assoc. in the late 80’s. Snider & Assoc. is a full service playground provider. They can design, sell, install, and service/maintain your playground equipment. Jeff can be reached at 800-888-2889 or
The CPSI program is offered by the National Certification Board in coordination with NRPA and the National Playground Safety Institute. CPSI certifications are valid for a period of three years.
About Snider and Associates, Inc.
Snider and Associates, with service in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Michigan, has been providing top quality park, athletic and commercial playground equipment to the school, early education, parks and recreation industry since the 80's. Additional information can be found at
About the National Recreation and Park Association
The National Recreation and Park Association is a national, not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing park, recreation and conservation efforts that enhance quality of life for all people. Through its network of 20,000 recreation and park professionals and citizens, NRPA encourages the promotion of healthy lifestyles, recreation initiatives, and conservation of natural and cultural resources.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Matching Funds Playground Grant Program
Matching Funds Playground Grant Program
For a limited time, BCI Burke Company, one of the nation's leadingcommercial playground manufacturers, is offering a Matching Funds Playground Grant Program*!
Reinvent your playground with grants towards Burke's innovative play structures including Nucleus™, Intensity®, Nucleus-Intensity 'fusion', Voltage™ and NaturePlay®! Grants will be provided in the form of a discount off of list price on Burke play structures.
Click HERE and enter your information to inquire about the playground grant!
Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted, with awards occurring from October 19th through December 12th, 2011. All orders must be received by December 16th, 2011.
*Grants will be provided as discount off of list price of Burke play structures (Nucleus, Intensity, Nucleus-Intensity 'fusion', Voltage and NaturePlay).
Customers must purchase a Burke play structure to receive the grant. The "Matching Funds Playground Grant Program" cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts.
Friday, October 21, 2011
CHAMPS’ Agreement Offers Snider and Associates Playground Equipment

CLEVELAND – CHAMPS Group Purchasing announces an agreement with Snider and Associates, Inc. to provide CHAMPS members discounted pricing for playground equipment and site furnishings for sports, recreation and more.
Jan Elder, CHAMPS contracting director, said, "We are very pleased to offer this new contract with Snider. Many members have asked for an agreement tailored to sports, playground and other equipment for outdoor installation."
As healthcare group purchasing experts, CHAMPS helps the healthcare industry save money and lightens the contracting burden for purchasing managers. For nearly 19 years, CHAMPS Group Purchasing has been an affiliate of Premier, Inc., one of the largest healthcare buying groups in the country, with over $36 billion in volume and more than 1,750 contracts.
With more than 4,000 clients nationwide, CHAMPS is one of Premier’s largest healthcare group purchasing affiliate programs and has been working in the healthcare arena since 1916. Choosing to partner with CHAMPS enables healthcare facilities access to Premier agreements, while benefiting from CHAMPS’ personal and expert service, aggregated contract portfolio and custom contract offerings – making utilization of the program as seamless as possible. For more, visit
About Snider and Associates, Inc.
Snider and Associates, Inc. (Snider) has been in the recreation market since 1985 and has grown from about five people in the late 1980s to up to thirty people in peak season. Snider represents several quality manufacturers in the playground equipment, recreational and site furnishings fields. Snider provides their products as a "turn-key" service from design through installation as well as ongoing service and maintenance.
Strongsville's New Playground Installed

NORTH ROYALTON, OH (October 10, 2011) – A state-of-the-art playground recently installed in the City of Strongsville, OH, is fully operational and getting maximum use. The City of Strongsville was the lucky winner of a playground contest held earlier this year by BCI Burke, commercial playground manufacturer with corporate headquarters in Fond du Lac, WI.
“Anyone I have talked to is ecstatic with the addition of the playground,” said Bryan Bogre, Strongsville Director of Parks, Recreation and Senior Services. “It is great to see something like this play area making people so happy,” he added.
“The playground has received much praise through our city council and our Mayor, and has been the topic of conversation on the council floor multiple times recently focusing on how great it is to finally have a playground in the Strongsville Youth Sports Park for our kids,” Bogre said.
Thousands of entries registered for the contest announced at the start of 2011, with only one honored person getting the exciting winning call. The playground is from Burke’s new Voltage™ line, which combines the durability and flexibility of a 3 ½” O.D. post system with the advanced design of both the exclusive KoreKonnect® direct-bolt clamp system and EZKonnect® self-leveling deck system. Other monthly prize winners in the Voltage playground contest received VISA gift cards and Apple iPods and will continue to be selected each month through December 31, 2011.
“We are always energized when we hear how thrilled our customers—both kids and adults--are with a new playground,” said Tim Ahern, BCI Burke CEO/owner.
“The partnership with Snider & Associates, our Burke Rep in Ohio, made this project seamless and successful,” Ahern said.
Snider and Associates, with service in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Michigan, has been providing top quality park, athletic and commercial playground equipment to the school, early education, parks and recreation industry since the 80's. Additional information can be found at
BCI Burke is a premier manufacturer of commercial playground, park, and recreation equipment and an avid advocate of safe, healthy play for kids. More information about Burke and the contest is available at
Monday, October 10, 2011
Snider - Winner of the Playground Strongsville, Ohio
FOND DU LAC, Wis. (August 22, 2011) – A new playground will be installed later this year in
conjunction with grand prize contest announcement by BCI Burke recently. The City of Strongsville,
OH, was the lucky winner of the contest held by the playground manufacturer, with corporate
headquarters in Fond du Lac, WI.
“I was amazed when I received the call that we won the playground. All of our parks have playgrounds,
except this one, so the timing to receive this is perfect,” said Bryan Bogre, Strongsville Director of Parks,
Recreation and Senior Services.
Thousands of entries registered for the contest announced at the start of 2011, with only one honored
person getting the exciting winning call. The playground is from Burke’s new Voltage™ line, which
combines the durability and flexibility of a 3 ½” O.D. post system with the advanced design of both the
exclusive KoreKonnect® direct-bolt clamp system and EZKonnect® self-leveling deck system. Other
monthly prize winners in the Voltage playground contest received VISA gift cards and Apple iPods and
will continue to be selected each month through December 31, 2011.
“We are in the business of getting kids outside playing and moving. Voltage provides the ultimate in
high-energy fun and extreme value in playgrounds, and we are proud to provide this prize to the
Strongsville community,” said Tim Ahern, BCI Burke CEO/owner.
“We are continually focused on providing innovative ways for kids to be active and lead healthy
lifestyles. This helps us fulfill our mission,” he said.
The Voltage design features 8 play events with a capacity for 48 kids ages 5 – 12 and is valued at more
than $21,000. In partnership with BCI Burke specially trained playground consultants, Snider &
Associates, Inc., the playground, including freight, will be provided at no charge. It will be installed in
the Strongsville Youth Sports Park designed two years ago that features three little league baseball fields,
a full size football field, a practice football field and a pavilion.
Snider and Associates, with service in Ohio, Indiana, Western Pennsylvania and Michigan, has been
providing top quality park, athletic and commercial playground equipment to the school, early education,
parks and recreation industry since the 80's. Additional information can be found at
BCI Burke is a premier manufacturer of commercial playground, park, and recreation equipment and an
avid advocate of safe play for kids. More information about Burke and the contest is available at
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Playing outdoors can supply a world of benefits - on the playground equipment
October 12, 2010
By Julie Deardorff, Tribune NewspapersWant to nurture a healthy, motivated student? Send your child outside for a daily dose of nature, say advocates of the No Child Left Inside movement.
Once the school year starts, kids tend to hibernate indoors, but studies suggest that giving children access to green spaces, sunlight and fresh air can do everything from reduce symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to improve mood and academic performance. Spending time in nature makes us feel more alive, according to research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology; some say this vitality can translate into increased motivation and capacity for learning.
Each day, try giving kids one hour of unstructured play in the natural world, suggests the National Wildlife Federation, an advocacy group. For children who live in areas where unsupervised outdoor play isn't safe or accessible, a "green" hour can take place in a park, backyard, even on a porch.
Some tips to encourage outdoor play:
Go with them. If you're excited about going outside, your kids will be, too, said Tanya Berry, a physical education researcher at the University of Alberta. She suggests limiting media use to reduce the pull from the indoors.
Adopt something. My boys love picking up "treasures" (aka garbage) in the alleys, so we recently signed up for an "adopt a beach" cleanup program. Parks, forests, highways and yards all need cleaning up.
Find an event. Children are enthusiastic detectives; check out local nature or ecology centers for scavenger hunts, which help develop problem-solving and visual-discrimination skills. Or try to find activities close to home and tailored to your child's age.
Get gadgets. Transform the yard by equipping your children with headlamps or flashlights and letting them explore at night. During the day, pitch a tent in the yard or give them a small magnifying glass to watch bugs and other creatures. Try binoculars and compasses, too.
Create or join a family nature club. When families get together — to hike, garden or even take part in a stream reclamation — the kids tend to play more creatively by themselves or with others than during single-family outings, said Richard Louv, author of "Last Child in the Woods" (Algonquin, $14.95), who coined the phrase "nature-deficit disorder" to describe our modern disconnect with the natural world. The Children & Nature Network promotes nature clubs for families and has a free guide on how to start your own; go to
Play games. Create a backyard obstacle course and time each participant. Or play the alphabet game by finding letters hiding on the ground, in the trees or in the sky, suggests the National Wildlife Federation, which encourages outdoor activity in its Be Out There campaign; go to A branch can form a "y"; a blade of grass can be an "i." Have older children spell words.
You can always use the commercial playground equipment to create nature environment of their dreams and imagination!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Greenfields outdoor fitness equipment can be a great addition to Junior & High Schools.
Deadline for Grant Applications in May 13.
Please read below:
PEP Grant Applications Now Being Accepted
By Michael Popke — AB Managing Editor
The application process for the U.S. Department of Education’s 2011 Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant opened Tuesday. All applications must be submitted by May 13, with a review of all applications expected to be completed by July 12. PEP grant money is used by schools and other organizations to purchase fitness and sports equipment, as well as to train and encourage innovation among physical education teachers.
“It is great news that the Department of Education plans to continue funding PEP, however the final 2011 budget has yet to be approved by Congress, which creates uncertainty on the future of the program,” says Bill Sells, vice president of government relations for the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, which along with the nonprofit P.E.4Life organization, was instrumental in the inception of the PEP grant.
Should Congress eliminate or drastically reduce PEP funding in the final 2011 budget, the Department of Education would suspend the application process until additional funds are allocated to the program, Sells says. Last year, recipients received $80 million in PEP grant money.
Congress is expected to complete work on the budget for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011 in April, at which time the funding level for PEP will be determined. The Congressional budget process for 2012 has been delayed due to the absence of a 2011 budget, but SGMA officials call it a positive sign that the Department of Education has begun the PEP grant application process, anyway — almost three months earlier than last year.
In the past, PEP grants have ranged from $100,000 to $750,000, with the average grant being $427,000.
SPARK, a research-based, public-health organization of the San Diego State University Research Foundation, has dedicated asection of its website to the PEP grant, including tips for preparing and submitting the application.
Outdoor Fitness Grant - Playground Grants;jsessionid=YkV7NTtfzQs5CTjVGsLntxsLvrPZD4RQRv3v29DfxKn81ChcsB8c%211673902905?oppId=82994&mode=VIEW
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Formula for Your New Playground

Pick One of These Products FREE!
Take advantage of our Spring Sale......offering huge savings, free freight, and a complimentary play event. 24 different premier play structures to choose from! Total Cost of Ownership Package (TCO) ensure an initial competitive price extending throught the life of your playground with lower maintenance costs, a non-prorated warranty and value added resources.
Orders must be received by May 13th, 2011 and shipped by July 22nd, 2011.
Call or visit us if you interested. 800-888-2889
The Snider Team
Thursday, January 27, 2011
School Age Playground in Edgerton Ohio
Tot Playground in Edgerton Ohio
Friday, January 21, 2011
Snider & Associates teams up with BCI Burke Playground Equipment

NORTH ROYALTON, Ohio (Jan. 14, 2011) -- After 25 years in the playground business, Chuck Snider of Snider & Associates has teamed with BCI Burke Premier Play Environments, according to President Chuck Snider. The firm will market Burke products in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and much of Pennsylvania.
"The playgrounds we create reflect on my family, so it's important to provide the highest quality playgrounds and related products available. That commitment led us to BCI Burke," said Snider, who runs Snider & Associates with his wife and two sons.
One of those marketing tools is a unique design and drawing system that will allow Snider & Associates to build and design virtual playgrounds right in a customer’s office, which Snider believes will significantly streamline the process of meeting each customer’s needs.
BCI Burke, with headquarters in Fond du Lac, Wisc., is a premier manufacturer of commercial playground, park, and recreation equipment.